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Over 5,000 different snacks from 1,500 premium brands

“Partnering with an innovative company like SnackNation provided a great opportunity to drive trial with an audience that is looking for healthy and convenient snacks. We want to be everywhere our consumers are, and availability within their offices is a great place to start. Nearly half of the consumers reached were previously not familiar with RXBAR.”
Julia DiMonteRXBAR
“Whenever we’re featured in a box, we receive emails from customers saying they discovered us in their SnackNation box! It’s a great avenue to capture new customers as well as build brand awareness across the nation!”
Teresa TsouPipcorn
“The data in the consumer insight report has been amazing, its insightful, non-apologetic and really valuable for a brand that does not have the dollars for extensive panel testing. It was amazing to review one of the consumer insight reports where our product was ranked #1 in the box, with over 30,000 items being reviewed. This helped build out our sales strategy for this flavor. We’ve even tweaked some of our flavors based on the feedback from our SnackNation consumer insight reports… Since we started with SnackNation, our monthly online sales have increased by over 600%.”
Tom DoniganField Trip Jerky
“Having a cost efficient vehicle to reach this coveted audience of (mostly) Millennial and Gen X professionals, in a naturally viral environment, is extremely valuable. The post-sampling reports are also extremely insightful, and useful in our other marketing and sales efforts. I should also mention that every human I’ve encountered from the Awesome Office organization has been absolutely incredible making it a sincere pleasure to setup and run the programs.”
Kristine FordDeep River

”We loved the Awake chocolate caffeine bites so much that I bought a bunch of those plus some of their granola bars for our office. Thanks for introducing us to Awake!
”SnackNation has been super great to us and giving so many new treats I haven’t heard of. I did see that big bag of Love Corn at Whole Foods this weekend and immediately bought it because I tried it first with you!

”The CEO just told me that the Cooper Street Granola Bakes are really good! He even gave me the wrapper to remind me to order more when we run out.